Ryan Nie is a Sports Performance Specialist and an educator in the field of Exercise Science. Ryan started his coaching career interning at the University of Northern Iowa, as a Strength and Conditioning Coach, while receiving his bachelor’s degree in Exercise Science. During his time at UNI, Ryan also had the opportunity to train and compete in Olympic Style Weightlifting under the coaching of former Olympian, Jianping Ma.
Upon graduation he moved to New Jersey where he received his masters in Exercise Science, from Montclair State University. While at Montclair State University Ryan was a graduate assistant and performed research in the field of Biomechanics with Dr. Steven Leigh.
Ryan now runs a Sports Performance business out of Oakland NJ, while teaching part-time as an adjunct professor at Montclair State University. Ryan trains athletes of all sports and development levels.
Why TheXtraRep?
“The Xtra Rep” isn’t just about fighting for that last rep in a difficult set at the gym, but rather it is a metaphor for all aspects of our lives. It is about being willing to do that little extra, especially when it isn’t always easy. We live in a competitive world and what separates “successful” people from everyone else is not that they are blessed with above average talents and skills, but rather they continuously make the choice to give that little extra when others won’t. It is the smallest of decisions we make on a continuous basis that make a huge difference. Too often people think that going through the motions in life is going to be enough for them to succeed. Then are shocked and feel cheated when they don’t get what they feel is rightfully theirs. Here is a little secret, life doesn’t owe any of us anything, and to think that it does is foolish!
The reason you didn’t get what you felt owed is because someone else wanted it more! They were willing to give that little extra everyday instead of just going through the motions. The small amount of happiness and immediate gratification you receive from taking the easy way out is nothing compared to the overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and bliss you will receive when you finally do reach your goals; but first you need to make a choice, every single day, to give that little extra. This is what, “THE XTRA REP” means to me.